Need to move an NS server out of service
King, Harold Clyde (Hal)
2018-08-06 17:37:02 UTC
I have ns2.example.com one of my DNS servers. The building, and the reason for the NS server, is ending. Should I remove the host from our domain name provider then my actual NS record in DNS, or NS record then provider?

I'd appreciate any help I could get.
Hal King

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Alberto Colosi
2018-08-06 17:43:29 UTC
No , you have to NOT REMOVE untile epire of SOA TTL the DNS A record and don't stop DNS engine

if you don't want loss of name resolution on your domain

Remove NS record from your zone and restart engine so slaves and internet can be updated

after epire of SOA TTL you can remove A record and stop engine


Alberto Colosi

From: bind-users <bind-users-***@lists.isc.org> on behalf of King, Harold Clyde (Hal) <***@utk.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 7:37 PM
To: Bind Users
Subject: Need to move an NS server out of service

I have ns2.example.com one of my DNS servers. The building, and the reason for the NS server, is ending. Should I remove the host from our domain name provider then my actual NS record in DNS, or NS record then provider?

I'd appreciate any help I could get.

Hal King

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Alberto Colosi
2018-08-06 17:53:02 UTC
sorry for missing letters but my keyboard ia broken

so to say, usually DNS admin low TTL on NS and/or A records that will have a change

look bind docs to apply it

without specific record TTL , SOA ttl is used

From: bind-users <bind-users-***@lists.isc.org> on behalf of King, Harold Clyde (Hal) <***@utk.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 7:37 PM
To: Bind Users
Subject: Need to move an NS server out of service

I have ns2.example.com one of my DNS servers. The building, and the reason for the NS server, is ending. Should I remove the host from our domain name provider then my actual NS record in DNS, or NS record then provider?

I'd appreciate any help I could get.

Hal King

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