Waiting twice the TTL is the safe option. Start counting from when you
see the new DS record in the parent. To be even more pedantic, start
counting after all authoritative Nameservers have the new DS record...
Quite easy to do from a script.
makes you a lot less appetising to be used in a DNS amplification attack.
Post by Edwardo GarciaHalo Tony,
Thank you, wow ecdsa-p256-sha256 produce keys 1/10th the size of rsa,
strange how this better but we have made change as
from your howto, thank you, now 24 hour and all seems ok from what we
tell, and the test site says all good.
One question however it talk about longest TTL, does this mean also
root TLD zones (.com, .net) which from memory are 48 hours, so before
we delete old keys we need wait 48 hours, even though our zone TTL was
24 ?
Thank you, wow much much easy than I hoped for :-)
Post by Edwardo GarciaMany year ago we set up DNSSEC, our key were generated with sha1
as was
Post by Edwardo Garciarecommended way back all them years. We too are not DNSSEC guru,
so some
Well, you are going to do an algorithm rollover, which is one of the more
tricky things you can do with DNSSEC. So, plan to do some testing, a trial
run, with a spare zone that you can break without worrying.
If you like to understand things by getting an idea of the wider context
then there are a couple of RFCs on the general subject of key rollovers.
The parts that are most relevant are the algorithm rollover section in RFC
6781 and the double-KSK section in RFC 7583.
DNSSEC has got easier since those RFCs were written, so you might as well
just skip to the howto bits below :-) It turns out, I wrote most of this
reply over a year ago...
Post by Edwardo GarciaAlso we use ZSK -b 1024 and KSK -b 4096
even modern google from apnic show example ZSK of only 1024? is
this still
 * you already know you want to choose something based on sha256
- it's
  secure enough, so there's no need for bigger hashes
 * ecdsa-p256-sha256 (13) is the best choice, because it is widely
  supported and produces small signatures
 * if you must use RSA, use 2048 bit keys for both zsk and ksk.
1024 bits
  is not secure; 2048 has a roughly comparable security level to
  (112ish bits vs 128 bits); 4096 is big and slow and probably
not worth
  the cost
 * I would like to be able to deploy ed25519 (a better elliptic curve
  than p256) but it is not yet supported well enough
Post by Edwardo GarciaIs best practise for doing this, replacing the keys completely,
more or
Post by Edwardo Garcialess like start fresh again?
We do use inline signing and automatic maintain.
I did a wholesale algorithm rollover from RSASHA1 to p256 around the end
of 2019 and I wrote an algorithm rollover guide for colleagues in other
parts of our university who run their own DNS. It's basically three steps
The "Semi-automated DS updates" section probably isn't relevant to you,
and the "Future" section has been made obsolete by dnssec-policy. But the
rest of it should guide you through the essentials.
(Also, the RIPE NCC does now support CDS records.)
And use these DNS checking services to verify that it is working as
https://dnsviz.net/ <https://dnsviz.net/>
https://zonemaster.net/ <https://zonemaster.net/>
https://dotat.at/ <https://dotat.at/>
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occasionally 3 later. Slight or moderate. Showers. Good.
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